AngioScan diagnostic complex

AngioScan-01P – Brief Description

AngioScan-01P, personal device for cardiovascular system diagnostics

What is it for?

  • For early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, essential hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, coronary arterial disease, high risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • For monitoring the effectiveness of cardiovascular therapies, food supplements and physical exercises.

AngioScan Personal

What kind of parameters does AngioScan-01P measure?

A non-invasive test takes 2-minutes and includes the following:

  1. An evaluation of biological age of the vascular system;
  2. An assessment of stiffness of arterial wall (which is dependent on deposition of cholesterol, calcination etc.);
  3. An assessment of stress level;
  4. An evaluation of pulse rate.
The result is given in graphics and easily understandable color scale. If you connect the device to your PC, you will get a detailed medical report on the state of your cardiovascular system. AngioScan-01P supports up to 9 users in a stand-aone mode, so it is a perfect diagnostic device for the whole family.

How often tests should be performed?

It is recommended to perform test at least once a week. Important parameters that are assessed by AngioScan-01P are changing very fast. By monitoring the changes, you will be able to early diagnose the risk of cardiovascular diseases 5-6 years before their manifestation.

Regular monitoring of test results is a very strong motivation for living a healthy life. Test results will sensitively demonstrate you the effect of your new life style or therapy on your health. All alterations are shown in the form of graphs.

An example of the using AngioScan-01P in a stand-alone mode

With AngioScan-01P you can monitor your health in any place and at every appropriate time. More than some dozens of tests can be performed without charging the battery. Nearly 1000 test results can be stored in a built-in memory of the device.

процесс теста Test takes 2 minutes. During the test pulse waves with sound signals are displayed. Test results are automatically saved in a built-in device memory. завершение теста
возраст сосудов To consult the results at the end of the test push successively a device button. The pictures show the examples of how biological age of vessels and stress level are displayed. индекс стресса
тенденции индекса жесткости After two or more tests are performed you will be able to see trends of your cardiovascular system parameters alterations. The pictures show the examples of stiffness of arterial wall and stress level displayed. тенденции индекса стресса

Using device with a PC

A supporting computer program extends device’s capabilities. Using “Angioscan Personal” software you can operate with data of all device users, display and print a detailed report concerning any test result, view and print detailed graphs of the trends of parameters alterations.

Technology is protected by a Russian patent. In present the patent procedure in U.S.A. and E.U. is turning in a national stage.

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